Visualize This: You Don’t Wanna Miss This Month’s New Stuff
How We Work | New Features | Video Tutorials | Web Conferencing

Visualize This: You Don’t Wanna Miss This Month’s New Stuff

This month, we’re going heavy on the visuals with our newest tools and features such as Visual Polls. Here are some of the new things we’ve introduced on MaestroConference: Redesigned the Visual Polls to make them more dynamic and unique for your event Added the ability for you to take Snapshots of your event in…

Our Biggest Announcement to Date – Equity Crowdfunding
Company Updates | Investment

Our Biggest Announcement to Date – Equity Crowdfunding

[Dec. 12 Update: Given the faster-than-anticipated success of our top rated Equity Crowdfunding campaign, we’ve decided to close this initial round once we have $200,000 in escrow (currently at 79% of our goal), put the funds to use increasing revenue, and reopen next year with a proportionately higher valuation. ~J.M.]