Create Better Video Breakouts, Faster, Easier: Meet the New MaestroConference Video

Create Better Video Breakouts, Faster, Easier: Meet the New MaestroConference Video

MaestroConference Video was created for virtual meeting hosts who want to give their participants the chance to share their voice, connect with others, accelerate learning, and collaborate by leveraging video breakouts + deep, online engagement tools.  We’ve been building the platform to address the limitations that we’ve heard from facilitators when it comes to other…

Meet Guided Breakouts: Comparing MaestroConference Video Vs. Zoom
amazing conversations | Company Updates | How We Work | New Features | Video Conferencing

Meet Guided Breakouts: Comparing MaestroConference Video Vs. Zoom

If you are trying to engage a dozen or hundreds of people online AND interactively, all at once, you’re probably using virtual breakout rooms. Since that’s our specialty, we want to highlight and compare MaestroConference Video vs. Zoom breakouts. As you might have seen, we polled zoom breakout users (500+ people responded, 200+ surveys submitted…

We Surveyed 500+ Zoom Breakout Users – Want To Know Their Top Frustrations?
New Features | Video Conferencing | Virtual Event | VoiceVoice | Web Conferencing

We Surveyed 500+ Zoom Breakout Users – Want To Know Their Top Frustrations?

We recently reached out to friends and facilitators who use zoom breakouts and asked them a couple open-ended questions: What do you like/dislike about zoom breakouts? What are your biggest frustrations, what do you find lacking about them (as either a host and/or participant)? We received 100+ survey responses (and counting- folks are still sharing their input if…

Taxonomy of Virtual Event Formats
General | New Features | Video Conferencing | Virtual Collaboration | Virtual Event | Virtual Training | Virtualization | Web Conferencing

Taxonomy of Virtual Event Formats

Which types of events have been moving to virtual environments? As soon as COVID forced the world to socially distance, every live event format that was previously being done in person pivoted (or at least attempted) to being fully virtual. Facilitators, event planners, field marketers, trainers, grassroots mobilizers and activists, educators- every role, industry, profession, community-…

New Enhancements on MaestroConference (Summer 2019)
Company Updates | How We Work | New Features | VoiceVoice | Web Conferencing | Webinar | webinar software | Webinar Systems

New Enhancements on MaestroConference (Summer 2019)

We know it’s been awhile since our last update about MaestroConference- rest assured, we’re still continuing to enhance the platform based on your valuable feedback. Check out some of the new MaestroConference enhancements below.

How We Continued to Enable a “Collective Awakening” in 2017
amazing conversations | Company Updates | Equity Crowdfunding | New Features | VoiceVoice

How We Continued to Enable a “Collective Awakening” in 2017

Every week, I read the comments people leave for us after they’ve participated in an event on our platform. Albeit a good use of time, this exercise has proven to be a rollercoaster of emotion as I get to read the great, good, not so good, and on occasion, vicious comments left by participants (notes…