How to Facilitate Really Great Events

Have you ever wondered how to have a really great event?

A great online event is similar to an in-person conference – great events require a little bit of advance planning: thinking through logistics, A/V details, and extra help on the day of the event.

Here’s a checklist for you to consider.

1. Strategy

Before you host an event, it’s important to know the purpose of your event.

Do you want to generate buzz and discussions around a hot topic in the news?  Get people to vote for a political candidate?  Sell a new course or book you’ve just created?

Whatever you want to do, make sure you and your team are clear on that before you login to create an event.
Be clear on your goals first!

Ben Franklin quote

2. Design

Once you have a clear goal in mind, consider what formats will best achieve your goals.

Courses with one-on-one discussions after listening to a speaker, then raise hand to share learning’s.

Networking sessions in an interactive online format to reduce cost and travel time in training sales teams.

Brainstorming sessions to encourage people to come up with new thoughts and ideas and to creatively express those ideas in a group environment.

See some examples of creative design here.

3. Implementation

If you’ve ever hosted an in-person event, you know it helps to have an extra pair of hands to handle the A/V equipment, make sure the right people are lined up to lead discussions at the right times, and generally keep things running smoothly.

Successful event organizers often work with an Event Technician (formerly called a Call Driver) to help run the A/V controls, in order to focus on hosting a great conversation.

We offer strategy consultations, call design and event technician services a la carte, or as part of our new plans here:

New Plans Screenshot

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