MaestroConference Highlighted Events – week of 3/4/2013

This week we have some amazing visionaries, powerful transformational leaders, and an incredible “call for action” social conferencing event happening at MaestroConference.

First, Charles Holmes  is bringing together some of the world’s visionaries in his Connecting for Community 2013 social conferencing event. This call features a number of guests, including Peter Block (author of Abundant Community), Angeles Arrien, John Mcknight, and Louise van Rhyn who is joining the call from Cape Town, Western Cape Africa.  You can read more about Charles’ passions on his blog.
MaestroConference is also hosting Lynne Mctaggart this week.  This transformational leader has been praised by luminaries from Deepak Chopra to Wayne Dyer.  She’s offering her Master of Intention teleseminar series, and we’re very honored to be hosting this groundbreaking teleclass. Here’s a taste of her extensive study into the area of intention.

Our final highlight for this week is Occupy Movement’s coordination call for Sandy Relief.  Occupy National Gathering is absolutely creating action where it’s needed most.  Check out how you can get more involved with Sandy Relief for NJ, here.  Occupy has regular social conferencing events to support this cause every Monday at 9pm EST.  Click here to register!

We salute and honor these clients and readers in supporting humanity to be its best!

Joshua Home Edwards, Client Success Engineer

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