MaestroConference and Conscious Business

Today, businesses and the corporate world aren’t undergoing a facelift – it’s more like a heart transplant.  We’re seeing significant changes in the workplace around conscious business practices, and MaestroConference is proud to be part of this transformation.  Here’s a bit more about some of the leaders we’re collaborating with.

Brett Thomas is the co-founder of Stagen, an organizational consulting firm that specializes in Integral Leadership. He’s the author and architect of the Stagen Leadership Academy’s 52-week intensive Integral Leadership Program (now in its 10th year) and has logged over 10,000 hours coaching CEOs. His website Waking up the Workplace offers global conversations to awaken a world of conscious business. Brett brings powerful questions to his global community – for example, What would happen if we saw the ‘business of work’ not just as a means for trade and profit, but as a vehicle for realizing our deepest human potentials in a conscious and creative transformation? What is conscious leadership, and how do we use it to transform the way we do business? If you’re interested, you can register and join the intentional conversation.

 Ann Farrell, founder of Quantum Endeavors, Inc. has created powerful coaching programs for executive, leader and team success that are now being used by more than 70 corporate coaching firms. Her passion for empowering people to fully step into their personal best is at the heart of her coaching. Ann leverages her outstanding experience as a successful executive, where she remains the only woman to have risen from entry level to the top of the house in her Fortune 100 company’s 150-year history. Ann’s philosophy is tied to many innovative leaders in this conscious approach to business.  Just take a peek at some of her resources, including A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink and Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.. MaestroConference is proud to collaborate with her on a number of her intentional conversation forums.

Tim Kelley is the founder of the The True Purpose™ Institute. This organization gives messengers and change agents the knowledge, training and support they need to create the impact they are meant to have. They give leaders, teachers, consultants, coaches, and speakers complete clarity about the change they are meant to make in the world.  The True Purpose™ Institute has benefited from the use of the Collaborative Operating System. This novel approach to corporate organization is a tool the True Purpose team has used to effectively run the organization. Tim will be offering An Introduction to the Collaborative Operating System as a free intentional conversation, using the MaestroConference platform, on Wednesday, November 20th 900 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. PDT / 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT. To register click here.

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